Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh.. New blog dedicated for FOOD.

Dear all,

After watching Julie and Julia on the plane back to Sydney, I thought that starting a food blog is indeed a good way to keep track on the food that I have tried to make.

Hence, I have decided to start a new blog about the food I made.
This blog is dedicated to people who are noobs like me.
Since I have so much passion about food and dessert, do give me suggestions on the food I made.
I would love to get any opinions on how to improve the dishes.

I would like to thank Nora Ephron (Writer of Julie & Julia), noobcook and nibbledish for giving me this inspiration.
I am definitely not going to be like Julie, trying to finish all Julia's recipes within 365 days.
I will be going at my own pace.

With love,

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